Sunday, December 30, 2007

Back Home in Austin

Main reason I'm here so long this time is that -- (wow, I'm getting ready to put it in writing for the first time) -- I'm going to be a great grandmother soon! I've only recently been able to say that with a straight face, even though it's as true as can be. It's more recent still that I've been able to say without cringing that it's my 16 year old granddaughter that's pregnant. And that's not even the "best" part - she's pregnant at 16 with TWINS - (double exclamation point for sure needed here)!! It's enough to say for now that our entire family (and the boy/father's family as well) have been through an emotional process to get to this point of acceptance. Not to mention the process my granddaughter went through when she found out. To her credit, she considered all the options and alternatives, and says the only thing she can live with is to have her babies and care for them as best she can. Even though we all know she has no real clue yet about what all is involved in mothering one child, much less two at the same time, we have decided we couldn't make that decision for her if we tried, and at this point it is in everyone's best interest to just accept it and be as supportive as we possibly can be.

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